Posted on 19 June 2012

DruidMurphy: Colm Tóibín interviews writer Tom Murphy

Posted in: Main Stage

In Ireland in the 1980s, when I was starting to write, there was a relationship between the Irish theatre and its audience that was raw, visceral and immediate.

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Posted on 16 May 2012

Chariots of Fire comes to the stage...

Posted in: Main Stage

By Sarah Hemming, The Financial Times

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Posted on 16 May 2012

5 minutes with NICK WHITBY

Posted in: Hampstead Downstairs

The Complaint opens Downstairs 17 May.

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Posted on 8 May 2012

Chariots of Fire: this one will run and run

Posted in: Main Stage

As seen in The Guardian 5 May 2012 By Lyn Gardner

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Posted on 3 May 2012

Chariots of Fire...The British are coming...again.

Posted in: Main Stage

As seen in The Telegraph(), 3 May 2012 By Jasper Rees

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Posted on 30 April 2012

When sport was fun: Chariots of Fire is back

Posted in: Main Stage

When I run, I hear the same soundtrack I heard when I was 10.

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Posted on 28 April 2012

The Will Mortimer Interview: NIGEL GEARING

Posted in: Hampstead Downstairs

Hampstead Theatre’s Literary Manager, Will Mortimer, talks to Nigel Gearing, who has adapted Blue Heart Afternoon for the stage:

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Posted on 25 April 2012

The Will Mortimer Interview: MIKE BARTLETT

Posted in: Main Stage

Hampstead Theatre’s Literary Manager, Will Mortimer, talks to Mike Bartlett, who has adapted Chariots of Fire for the stage:

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Posted on 29 February 2012

Farewell to the Theatre on the Today Programme

Posted in: Main Stage

If you were asked to name the person who has had the most influence on theatre in this country, the chances are Harley Granville Barker would not be top of your list.

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Posted on 22 February 2012

Portrait of the Artist: Tara Fitzgerald

Posted in: Main Stage

Laura Barnett interviews Tara Fitzgerald for The Guardian:

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Posted on 16 January 2012

The Financial Times interview Simon Stephens about The Trial of Ubu

Posted in: Main Stage

The Financial Times interview Simon Stephens about The Trial of Ubu

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Posted on 17 October 2011

The Financial Times talks to Sheila Hancock about The Last of the Duchess

Posted in: Main Stage

“The Financial Times()”: talks to Sheila Hancock about The Last of the Duchess

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Posted on 17 June 2011

Time Out talks to Artistic Director Edward Hall

Posted in: Interviews with cast and creatives

Time Out talks to Artistic Director Edward Hall

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Posted on 16 June 2011

The Times interview Edward Hall

Posted in: Main Stage

The Times interview Edward Hall

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Posted on 11 March 2011

Mike Leigh on The Today programme

Posted in: Main Stage

Mike Leigh on The Today programme

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Posted in: Hampstead Downstairs

Celine Dion, interpretive dance and scaling sofas, take a sneak peek behind the scenes with our Resident Assistant Director Lizzie Manwaring as she reflects back on the process of Alexandra Wood's heartening new play, The Tyler Sisters,

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Blackout Songs Production Photography

Posted in: Hampstead Downstairs

The first three photographs are new additions:

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