Posted on 19 September 2024.
Posted in: Announcements

Now entering its sixth year at Hampstead Theatre, the INSPIRE writing programme is underway once again, with a new group of talented playwrights set to embark on their year-long journey – a journey that will give them the support and encouragement they need to develop a full-length play.
The 2024 cohort of eight INSPIRE writers are: Naomi Denny, Nancy Farino, Elisabeth Gunawan, Aaron Killerciouglu, David Person, Katie Redford, Kate Reid and Amy Powell Yeates.
Throughout the next academic year, these writers will benefit from mentorship by the award-winning playwright Roy Williams. They will also take part in a programme of workshops, talks and professional readings of their works-in-progress, as they refine their plays towards a sharing at the end of year. Additionally, they’ll have the chance to attend Hampstead Theatre productions, gaining invaluable insight into the professional world of theatre.
Roy Williams said:
“I am so excited with the launch of the sixth year of INSPIRE! Such a wonderful as well as talented mixed group from all backgrounds with amazing stories to tell as well as write. It's going be a great year and I am looking forward to working with them.”
Hampstead Theatre’s Producer and Chief Executive, Greg Ripley-Duggan, added:
“It’s great to be able to announce another year of INSPIRE – underscoring Hampstead’s continuing commitment to opening doors for writers. INSPIRE is at the heart of what we do, and we’re once again indebted to our philanthropic supporters who make the programme financially viable. As ever we are excited to see what this year’s writers will come up with!”
INSPIRE is made possible through the generous donations of our supporters, including
Fenton Arts Trust, Garrick Charitable Trust, Zmira & Rodney Hornstein, The Klein Family Foundation, Anatol Orient, Jon & NoraLee Sedmak.