55 Days Shop: Discover more
Posted on 18 October 2012.
Posted in: Main Stage

At Hampstead Theatre we don’t want your experience to end when you walk out of the door.
Should you wish to discover more around the stories and topics explored in 55 Days, we’ve teamed up with Oxford University Press, Nick Hern Books and the History Today Magazine to provide a selection of reading materials.
The following titles are available to buy in the foyer during 55 Days:
55 Days Programme
Edited by Pascale Giudicelli
Price: £3
Overview: Our programmes are produced in-house to an exceptionally high quality. With a dedicated Editor, our programmes are designed to be the perfect accompaniment to our shows. Content includes an introduction from Artistic Director Edward Hall, an in-depth interview between Hampstead’s Literary Manager and playwright Howard Brenton, an exclusive essay by Brenton, historical timelines of Oliver Cromwell and Charles I, rehearsal photos, cast and creative head shots and biographies and more.
55 Days Playtext
By Howard Brenton
Published by Nick Hern Books
Price: £5
Overview: Howard Brenton’s play depicts the dangerous and dramatic days when, in a country exhausted by Civil War, a few great men attempt to think the unthinkable: to create a country without a king.
Anne Boleyn Playtext
By Howard Brenton
Published by Nick Hern Books
Price: £9.99
Overview: Written by 55 Days playwright the award winning Anne Boleyn was a sell-out success at Shakespeare’s Globe. A celebration of a great English heroine, Anne Boleyn dramatises the life and legacy of Henry VIII’s notorious second wife, who helped change the course of the nation’s history.
Turncoats and Renegadoes: Changing sides during the English Civil War
By Andrew Hopper
Published by Oxford University Press
Price: £65
Overview: Turncoats and Renegadoes is a brand new publication (published 18 October) and the first dedicated study of the practice of changing sides during the English Civil Wars. It examines the extent and significance of side-changing in England and Wales but also includes comparative material from Scotland and Ireland.
War in England 1642 – 1649
By Barbara Donagan
Published by Oxford University Press
Price: £23
Overview: A fresh approach to the English Civil War, War in England 1642-1649 focuses on answering a misleadingly simple question: what kind of war was it to live through? Eschewing descriptions of specific battles or analyses of political and religious developments, Barbara Donagan examines the ‘texture’ of war, addressing questions such as: what did Englishmen and women believe about war and know about its practice before 1642?
History Today Magazine
September and October editions
Price: £5.20
Overview: History Today created the concept of popular history, mixing styles, genres and periods to achieve a fusion of intellectual excitement and readability. Essays by the world’s leading scholars, on all periods, regions and themes of history, are published. All are carefully edited and illustrated to make the magazine a pleasurable, as well as an informative, read for History fans.
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